Real life experience is the most important factor in developing your skills.

Working with clients adds a whole new dimension to your previous studies. All kinds of factors come together in all kinds of ways, always different because every body is different!

When you train for clinical work with supportive guidance and mentorship, you can grow in an environment of confidence.

This kind of support is the antidote to imposter syndrome, and it allows you to build your skills in a network of support that will be with you for your whole career!

How can I join?

We want you to feel confident in your practice, and we want the clients you'll work with to be served with a high quality of care.

For this reason, the Live Clinical Mentorship program has pre-requisites.

There are two routes to join:

🌿 Complete the Family and Community Herbalist programs, and pass the exam at the end. You'll have a meeting with us to review your exam and at that time you can be invited to begin your Clinical Herbalist coursework, and you may start working live in clinic with us concurrent with the Clinical Herbalist coursework.

🌿 If you are "transferring" from another school, go ahead and start the Clinical Herbalist coursework. Once you have completed that material and the exam, you'll have a meeting with us to review your work and at that time you can be invited to start in this program working live in clinic with us.

We do require that you complete the coursework and pass the exam for either Community Herbalist or Clinical Herbalist before you start working live in clinic with us. 

Every herb school is different. It is important to us that students working in our clinic are all providing consistent care in the same style, and that they have all of the skills required to provide that care. 

We do not want to put students in a position where they don't have what they need to feel confident, and we don't want to put clients in a situation where they are not receiving the best care and support, or where they receive care that is not consistent from one practitioner to another.

We want to ensure that all students have an empowering and successful experience as they prepare for their own clinical practice! We will not make an exception to this policy.

How does it work?

The Live Clinical Sessions & Mentorship meets on Wednesdays, on a trimester calendar.

In each month, our Wednesdays are scheduled as follows:

First Wednesday: Free Clinic.

You'll begin by observing faculty working with clients, and when you feel ready, you can take the lead and a faculty member will be there to support you. When you feel confident doing that work, you will move on to working independently with clients: but don't worry! You'll still have access to a faculty member on chat in case you need to reach out for quick help! All cases are reviewed together, so that you have plenty of time to discuss everything that happened.

🌿 Free Clinic sessions are scheduled via Zoom across a wide time span on the first Wednesdays, so that students have the opportunity to see multiple clients, and so that people in different time zones are able to be served.

Second Wednesday: Clincal Roundtable.

This is where you will discuss the cases you observed and worked on to get feedback and work through all the options you could move forward with each client. This is done in small working groups so that you learn not only from your own cases, but also from those of your peers. (Cases are anonymized to protect client identity.) Plus, every student comes with their own background and experience, which means everyone has interesting perspectives about the work they could share. You'll learn to push your ideas further in new directions as you hear ideas from other students and from faculty.

🌿 Clinical Roundtable is from 6-8pm Eastern Time, via Zoom, in small working groups.

Third Wednesday: Student Clinic.

For these sessions, you will begin paired up with another student to practice both as the clinician as well as the client. You'll perform full intakes and consultations independently - but you're not alone! Faculty will be present and at any time, you can call for a "Time Out" - to gather your thoughts, to brainstorm ideas, or even just to get a hint if you're stuck! This way, you start into this work knowing that you're under no pressure. You can ease into each part of the practice knowing that you can pause for a moment at any time, and feeling the confidence of support right by your side!

When you are in the role of the client, you will still be learning! First, you'll be learning first hand about pacing your protocols - that's one of the most difficult parts of the work! You'll get a real feel for how much work is reasonable in a session, because you'll be experiencing it! This will help you to create more achievable protocols for your own clients. You'll also be learning how it feels to sit in the chair - what feelings come up for you when certain issues are presented? What does that mean for you about how you present those issues to others? Every person is different, but the more you experience from the client's perspective, the more you can imagine the impact your work is having on others - and adjust it so that you are providing the best care to each individual.

As you advance and feel confident, you will take actual clients with faculty supervision. Clients are provided for you. Once you are ready to take clients independently with case review, you will receive the session fee. You will also learn marketing skills to build your client base.

🌿 Student Clinic sessions are scheduled from 6-8pm Eastern Time, via Zoom, in small working groups.

Fourth Wednesday: Clinical Roundtable.

This is where you will discuss the cases from Student Clinic. This is done in small working groups so that you learn not only from your own cases, but also from those of your peers. Plus, every student comes with their own background and experience, which means everyone has interesting perspectives about the work they could share. You'll learn to push your ideas further in new directions as you hear ideas from other students and from faculty.

🌿 Clinical Roundtable is from 6-8pm Eastern Time, via Zoom, in small working groups.

All sessions are scheduled on Wednesdays for the first three months of the trimester, and the fourth month is "fallow" - it is time for you to rest from the work, to allow your brain to make connections, to revisit your notes, and think through different options that could have been explored. This schedule will help you to stay on target with your goals but avoid burnout!

The Clinical Herbalist coursework is self-paced just like the Family & Community courses are - so that work can be done on your own time, either concurrently with your live work if you have passed the Community exam, or you can complete it in its entirety first if you are transferring from another school or if you prefer to work sequentially. You may not participate in the Live Mentorship if you have not completed or are currently enrolled in the Clinical Herbalist coursework.

All of that coursework can be done on your own schedule - you do not have to be live online at any certain time to complete the coursework. The only live sessions are when you're actually in clinic, and in clinical roundtable.

Can you give me more details?

Absolutely! :-)

Here is the yearly trimester schedule:

First Trimester:
Sessions every Wednesday January - March; April is "fallow"

Second Trimester:  
Sessions every Wednesday May - July; August is "fallow"

Third Trimester:
Sessions every Wednesday September - November; December is "fallow"

A one-month "fallow period" is built into every trimester, so that all students have the chance to rest from the live schedule and to let the mind integrate what you've learned. It's important to take time to just let things percolate - and if you're engaged in sessions with no break, you never get that integration time.

The "fallow period" allows students to stay on target with their goals without getting burnt out.

Can I take a break?

Students sign up for each trimester individually: you do not have to take every single trimester! 

You might be traveling, or pregnant, or any number of other things over the time of your studies: with the trimester system, you only sign up for the times when you can be present for the work, and when you need a break, you can take one!

Will I get a certificate?

Yes you will! 

You will track your session time - we provide a tailored tool for you to do it - and once you have met the number of hours you require, whether that is for your application to be recognized as a Registered Herbalist or for any other requirement, we will create a certificate that documents your work.

You will receive credit both for your actual clinical experience time as well as the educational time spent in roundtable discussions and facilitated case study. Both are included in this program.

Typically, for the 400 hours of clinical experience required for the AHG Registered Herbalist application, you can also expect approximately 525 hours of case study & roundtable discussions, which are counted in your application as educational hours. 

If you are applying to an international professional organization that requires 500 hours of clinical experience, you can also expect approximately 630 hours of case study & roundtable discussions, which are counted in your application as educational hours.

You can find the tracking tool here.

How long will it take me to meet my AHG RH clinical requirements?

That depends on your schedule, but it is possible to meet those requirements in 24-30 months if you work at a moderate, consistent pace. We have a tracking tool with monthly targets that will help you meet that goal, if you choose.

However, there is no pressure for you to move quickly - you may continue in this mentorship as long as you would like to! 

And yes! Once you "graduate", we still have Professional Roundtable sessions, so that you will always have a community of support around you!

How do I enroll?

You will be given the link to enroll in your exam review session.

At the end of each trimester, there will be an enrollment period for the next trimester: you will be sent the enrollment link directly.

No one is guaranteed enrollment: we do reserve the right to deny a spot in the live program if we feel that a student is not practicing safely, or is otherwise causing harm. Please commit to being compassionate and considerate of your clients and of your peers, and of your faculty.

We do not tolerate any form of racism, sexism, religious evangelism, trolling, abuse in any form, or discrimination against LGBTQ+ community or any other groups.

What is the tuition?

Each trimester's tuition is $700. This can be paid in one payment or in four monthly payments of $175.

If you are doing the Clinical Herbalist coursework concurrently with your Live Mentorship, there is a special payment plan for the coursework bundle, to cap the total cost at a maximum of $300/month.

we offer payment plans to make our courses more accessible. a payment plan carries a commitment to complete all of the payments.
live programs do not have a refund period: enrollment is a commitment to complete the trimester.

Scholarships & Discounts

You can find complete information about our scholarships and discounts here.

Reparations discounts are available for the Live Clinical Mentorship.

Because of the intensive nature of live mentorship and the the faculty time required to sustain it, sale pricing/other discounts are not available for live session work.

Live Clinical Faculty

Katja is an herbalist and teacher working to help people rebuild their relationships with their bodies and their own ability to heal. She’s been in clinical practice for over 20 years, but it all began with a desire to make her own “fancy tea” at home instead of paying high prices for imported blends at specialty stores. Through the years, that desire grew into a passion to improve her own health and ultimately, to help others to do the same.

Ryn has been a practicing herbalist since 2010. He came to herbalism by way of martial arts, where his first experiences with herbs were focused on getting back into the game and becoming more flexible, adaptable, and resilient. Passing that experience on to others is what keeps him motivated every day.

Kenton is a genderqueer herbalist based in Lenapehoking (Philadelphia, PA). They love partnering with people to explore the story, role, and toll of health disharmonies, and find practical paths towards change. They are have particular interest in digestive health, inflammation, mental health, and mood disorders.