Stay Organized!

Use this free tool to keep all of the application requirements for your  in the American Herbalists' Guild in one easy place - so it's ready when you need it!

Become a Registered Herbalist

It is the highest form of recognition available in the United States today.

There is no board that licenses or certifies herbalists in the United States. Although many schools claim you can be a "certified herbalist", there's actually no such thing! What they mean is, they will give you a certificate of completion from their school.

Because there is no certifying board, the only way to demonstrate that you have met the type of requirements that licensure or certification might require is to apply to be recognized as a Registered Herbalist in the American Herbalists' Guild. Although it is not the same as licensure, it does show that you have achieved a high level of education, practice, and skill that is worth recognition.

Whether or not herbalism will become a licensed profession in the future is hard to know - and there's not a clear-cut answer as to whether licensure would be good or bad for the practice. But for now, applying to be recongnized as a Registered Herbalist in the  Guild, is a great way to show that you've done the work - whether or not you actually want to go into business.

We've created this tracking tool to make it easier to keep all of your application requirements in one place, and to see clearly when you've met every criterion. Whether you're a student at our school, or taking courses with someone else, we hope this tool will make keeping track of your progress much easier!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Professional Membership Requirements Tracker!

    2. How to use this platform

    3. How to use the Discussions feature

    4. Chatting in our Student Community

    1. Why should you apply to be a Registered Herbalist?

    2. What about professional registration in other countries?

    1. Break your goal into smaller chunks!

    2. Plus, great benefits!

    3. Becoming an Associate Member - submitting your documentation

    4. Documentation examples

    5. An example PDF submission for Associate Member

    1. August 19, 2023: updates to this course!

    2. How to use the Requirements Tracker

    3. Requirements Tracker: updated June 17, 2024

    4. AHG video about the application process

    1. Your Path to Clinical Herbalism

    2. Your Path to an Herbal Products Business or your own Herb Shop

    3. Need Help?

About this course

  • Free
  • 18 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content