Digestive Health
Gut health is more than just how you feel after a meal - it's a critical part of mental health, immune function, energy levels, and more.
Whether it's "just gas", or something chronic like Crohn's, learn how to resolve gut issues and build your whole body healthy!
You've heard the sayings:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
That one started in the early 1900s, and although they didn't know it at the time, it turns out that can apples play a huge role in the health of our microbiome - they were on to something!
You are what you eat
This one comes from a medical writer in France in 1826 - and he wrote it in a publication about sugar and white flour being the cause of a growing epidemic of inflammatory diseases in France at the time!
All disease begins in the gut
That comes from Hippocrates - in 300 BCE! And medical research is finally starting to catch up as we find significant correlations between chronic inflammation and gut health, mental health and gut health, immune function and gut health, endocrine function and energy levels and gut health - even cardiovascular and nervous system function and gut health!
People have been looking at supporting gut health to support whole-body health for literally millenia - and often for the very same diseases and discomforts we are dealing with today.
In this course, you'll learn how to:
This course includes 16+ hours of video instruction, as well as PDF handouts, resesarch resources, quizzes, and more - plus weekly live Q&A discussions where you can talk directly with Ryn and Katja.
Welcome to Digestive Health!
Live Q&A sessions twice a week!
Mountain Rose Herbs + Foster Farms discount codes
How to use this platform
How to use Closed-Captioning
The "What's New" button on your dashboard
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Use of Course Material (Intellectual Property)
Herbalism (and health!) is Bioregional
Herbalism (and health!) is Bioregional [audio]
Every Body is Different
Course Outline
Action Prompt: Plan your herbs
Digestive Health & Nutrition
Introduction & Physiology
Introduction & Physiology [audio]
Friendly Microbes
Friendly Microbes [audio]
Enzymes & Supplements
Enzymes & Supplements [audio]
Eating Habits
Eating Habits [audio]
Normal Digestive Variation
Normal Digestive Variation [audio]
"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
Whole30: Data, not Dogma
Quick Guide: Introduction & Physiology
Digestive Intro Quiz
Digestive Herbal Actions 1
Digestive Herbal Actions 1 [audio]
Digestive Herbal Actions 2
Digestive Herbal Actions 2 [audio]
The Rooted & Ready Blend Podcast Episode, Featuring Sarsaparilla
More On Energetics
Quick Guide: Herbal Actions for Digestion
Digestive Actions Quiz
Building Digestive Health
Building Digestive Health [audio]
The Essential Role of Fiber in Digestive Health
The Essential Role of Fiber in Digestive Health [audio]
The Fiber PDF
Quick Guide: Building Digestive Health
Bitter as a signal & “Bitter Deficiency Syndrome”
Bitter Energetics, Actions, and Constituents
Bitter Herbs
How to take Bitters
More Bitter Inspiration!
A Definitive Guide to Bitters [full audio]
Oral Health
Oral Health [audio]
Herbal Mouthwash & Tooth Powder
Gums & "Pockets"
Heartburn [audio]
Heartburn Herbs
Heartburn Herbs [audio]
Further Heartburn Resources
More on Heartburn Herbs!
Thoughts on Calamus, from jim mcdonald
Quick Guide: Upper Digestive
Upper Digestive Quiz
We want your experience to be as close to “being there in person” as possible, and we want to accommodate as many different styles of learning as possible.
That’s why we also provide:
Lifetime access - so you can review the content as many times as you like, forever!
Weekly live Q&A sessions with Katja and Ryn - to ask your questions directly, live and in person! (They're even archived, in case you miss one!) This course has 1 year live Q&A support.
Ask questions anytime - we're always just a click away: you can ask any questions in the integrated discussion forum, and we're committed to personally answering your questions, usually within 24 hours
Printable PDF materials - if you like to follow the videos along on paper, or keep them handy for a quick reference
Downloadable MP3 files - so you can review the content while you commute, workout, garden, ... anytime!
This represents the actual time of video instruction and live Q&A, as well as the time allocated for your capstone assignment, quizzes, and other assignments & activities required for completion of the course.
It is reasonable to plan about twice that much time to complete the work: this is because most students like to watch the videos more than once, review their notes, and many students complete more than the required activities. You might also enjoy joining a study group in our Student Community, and you might choose to work on extra activities together as a group to help you internalize all that you've learned.
Regardless of how long it takes you, there is never any pressure! You have access to this material for life, and in fact, when we add updates and new materials, you receive it all for free, automatically!
If new material is added after you have received your certificate, we are happy to send you a new updated certificate to document the additional time when you complete the new material.
Two heads are better than one!
Katja & Ryn almost always teach together. They each have particular talents and areas of interest, and their perspectives on certain issues are quite different! Together, they convey a fuller picture of the realities of herbal theory & practice than either one could do alone.
Katja is an herbalist and teacher working to help people rebuild their relationships with their bodies and their own ability to heal. She’s been in practice for nearly 20 years, but it all began with a desire to make her own “fancy tea” at home instead of paying high prices for imported blends at specialty stores. She’s kept that do-it-yourself ethic close to her heart.
Ryn has been a practicing herbalist since 2010. He came to herbalism by way of martial arts, where his first experiences with herbs were focused on getting back into the game and becoming more flexible, adaptable, and resilient. Passing that experience on to others is what keeps him motivated every day.
Together, Katja and Ryn teach everyone from children to elders, as well as pharmacy students from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Northeastern University School of Pharmacy, where they both serve as associate faculty. Ryn and Katja are the authors of Herbal Medicine for Beginners, and the creators of the weekly Holistic Herbalism Podcast.
Teaching isn't just about conveying information - there's also an aspect of being someone's "cup of tea".
So we want you to take the first 14 days to really decide if you love it or not. If for any reason you feel like this program isn’t right for you - if we're just not your cup of tea - we’ll give you a full refund. You don't even need a reason - just please let us know within 14 days of purchase.